
Witnesses may hold the key sometimes in workers’ comp claims

If you’ve ever suffered a work-related injury then you probably did one of two things. If you’re like some people in South Carolina, you may not have filed a claim assuming that your injury was not bad enough to warrant the hassle. But if you’re like many of our readers, then you know that even unassuming injuries can sometimes cause problems down the road and know how important it is to file a claim immediately after receiving the injury.

But for those who do file workers’ compensation claims for work-related injuries, this process can sometimes be marred by adjusters who may not believe your story or are uncaring about your situation and do not take the time to really investigate your injury. As a result, some claims may be denied despite their validity, leaving an injured worker potentially unable to work and wondering what they should do next.

But much as this problem can be avoided by taking witness statements into consideration. As is often pointed out by those knowledgeable in workers’ compensation issues, getting a statement from witnesses immediately after an accident can sometimes be beneficial down the road when a claim is scrutinized or denied. It’s important to note however that the longer you wait to take down the statement the greater risk you run of getting a less accurate version of events. That’s because, as time goes on, people tend to forget important details about events that may be crucial towards proving an injury.

It’s worth noting that not all adjusters are proactive when it comes to taking down witness statements and may need to be reminded of their importance. In cases where a statement is not immediately taken, some claimants have taken it upon themselves to get the witness’ version of events in either writing or by recording. Taking this proactive approach can help avoid losing important details about a work-related injury, which may end up proving your case’s validity in the end.

Source:, “Can I Get A Witness?” Michael B. Stack, Jan. 15, 2014

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